Unit Conversion Command ko-fi

Convert between common metric/imperial units using a chat command!


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!convert <value><unit>

The command accepts negative values for temperatures !convert -10 °C

The values can include decimals eg. !convert 1.75 m or !convert 25.6 °F

The command is case insensitive and doesn't care whether you have a space between the value and the unit; it also doesn't care whether there's a degree symbol when used for temperature conversions. !convert 25 °C and !convert 25c will both work the same

Available units

The action can currently do the following conversions:

  • [°C ⇄ °F]
  • [Kg ⇄ lbs]
  • [m ⇄ ft]
  • [Km ⇄ mi]


  1. Download and extract the Import File
  2. In Streamer.bot select Import from the top left
  3. Drag and Drop the Import File into the the Import String box
  4. Enable the !convert command on the Commands tab
